Monday, April 13, 2009


Before watching the video clip I would have answered these questions much differently. I would like to think that I am personally connected to 21st century learning, but I am starting to realize that I have to keep moving at quite a speedy pace to keep up. Keeping up won't even work; learning about new technology is one thing, but knowing how to teach it to my students in a way they can use it is another. I find it difficult in the time I have my kids to teach them new tools to use, have them apply it to what we are working on in class, and giving them the opportunity to finish. The amount of time we have the resources for this is very limited.

I'm sure after some time of working at it, I would be able to solve some of my above concerns. However the next one is tricky. If I am expecting my kids to use this technology in and out of school, what about our kids that don't have access? Yes we have computers here they may use after school; but after school is yet another impossible option for some of our students.

I feel that for me, my focus first has to be how I can bring in 21st century learning into the everyday classroom. This way all my students can experience it and benefit. Some of the other pieces of 21st century learning such as the connecting pieces shown in the clip may take a little longer to get a hold of, and allow all of my kids to use it.